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To call the Globalization Editor, you should go to the report properties and click in the report template area.
And on the properties panel, click the Browse button on the Globalization property. Below is the view of the Globalization Editor.
Click this button to add a new culture. The added cultures will be displayed in the list of cultures.
Select the culture in the list and click this button to remove the culture from the list.
The buttons to control cultures.
Get the culture settings from the report, in this case, for the items of the selected culture, the values that are used in the report will be specified.
Transfer culture settings to a report, in this case, the values from the selected culture will be specified for the report items.
If the Auto Localize Report on Run option is enabled, then, when rendering reports, the report engine will check the report culture and whether they are presented in the list. If identical cultures are found, then expressions of the report items will be replaced.
The list of cultures, setting which, the localization of the report items will occur (i.e. replacing expressions that are specified in a particular culture).
The list of report items, which localization can be configured.
An expression of the item that will be assigned to the selected report item when you select a specific culture.
To automatically localize the report, you should specify the report culture after specifying the list of cultures and their settings. To do this, select the required value in the Culture property of the report. Then, when rendering the report, the report engine will check the report culture and their presence in the list of cultures. If identical cultures are found, the expressions of the report items will be replaced.